Open Source Economy Ökonomie Ekonomia

OPEN SOURCE ECONOMY, german video:
My statement to this idea and networking here is instead of opining an youtube-account.
I shall involve myself in this process, though doing it already by taking part in attempts in ecological agriculture via urban gardeing (NeuLand Köln e.V.), studying agronomical sciences ("private" studying due to my needs and questions) and learning pre-oil-era-handcraft and expanding knowledge toward pre-metal-era, because with metal the rape of earth started, as far as I can see. It atakes real mental efforts to overcome normalities such as dealing with metal.
My comments on the video linked above:
I support this movement and I will take part in it. Some detals of the video AND the actions are to be improved though.
Shred soil ("earth") with machines to make bricks for house building? So, destroy soil. I insensively critisise this and recommend not to do so. As an ecologist, humanist I warn from not comparing this to the old traditional earth-housing.
Use machines seems to be an unevoidable thing to do today, for many people, in many "fields". But there is no will for overcoming the need for machines mentioned: Instead of this, sustainability is "held high" while showing big metal items. Isn`t this a misunderstanding of the term? Some, mostly, boys jumping around and building these machines? How about machines really made of wood? Real handcraft, real LOCAL RESSOURCES! You want to use local ressources in building machines made of metal? How you dare?!
Well, thank you for really inviting girls and women to this, in german version via mentioning "only" the grammatical feminine of the professions needed here, but will we really step out of a destroying and wasting system that way?
I must warn here. And I do it only this way here, for my conscience.
- Blog von Iwona Staszewska
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Comment on the video:
Create material security = Extreme reduction of meterial needs, improvement of abilities
Materielle Sicherheit schaffen = Materielle Bedürfnisse extrem reduzieren, Fertigkeiten aufbauen
Tworzyc zabespieczenie materialne = silne zmniejszenie potrzeb materialnych, zwiekszenie umiejetnosci